Wednesday, September 9, 2009

soundtrack: North and South

I am a massive fan of the BBC (especially the six hour version of Pride and Prejudice). a lot of people don't know this about me, but I totally swoon for this type of thing, and like to have tea parties with my best friends with music such as this playing in the background. last night, my best friend and I watched this really great miniseries (four hours, based on a novel) called North and South, and the soundtrack is gorgeous. it's all instrumental of course, you can download the whole thing HERE. have your own tea party or use the music to study, either way, it works.

Martin Phipps - Opening Theme to North and South [mp3]

really, I love the BBC so much, I want to take it behind a middle school and get it pregnant.


Allie said...

i forgive you for liking all that costume drama stuff because you wanna take it behind the middle school and get it pregnant.

Hanan said...

it's not my fault, you see, the diplomas that they give out to the English majors actually have to get the gold seal from Britain, and, to ensure that Americans are well cultured in the British tongue, they force us all to watch BBC films for hours on end, Clockwork Orange style.

me, I love to rebel against this type of institutionalized regulation, but the stuff they made us watch was so classy and awesome that everyone who ever watches it inevitably gets sucked into the deal-io after about 3 hours of Colin Firth in knickers.

there were wolves said...

I know what you mean. I perennially use the soundtrack to '05's Pride & Prejudice to study for exams.

Hanan said...

that's another favourite.

Anonymous said...

Why i can't download the soundtrack? U_U Could you help me.