because I have been listening to First Impressions a lot lately, and because I love (to share) bootlegs, and because, well, that's enough reasons really, here goes!
here's a bootleg from Tokyo in 2005, a couple of months before the third album was released. it's spectacular, The Strokes play EVERY SINGLE SONG FROM FIOE except for "Razorblade", "Ask Me Anything", "Ize of the World" and "Fear of Sleep". The first three are abundant in live form, but Connor-from-the-UK pointed out to me that he's never heard "Fear of Sleep" or "15 Minutes" live (I checked my itunes and youtube and realized he was right). with this bootleg, half of that problem is solved.
they start with the album's closer, "Red Light" and end with two older hits, "Last Nite" and "Reptilia" (probably their two most popular/best known songs to date). they also do Hawaii, the b-side to Juicebox which I love so very much. it displays Jules' vocal talents quite nicely.
The Strokes - Live at Shibuya, Tokyo (18 November 2005)
ZIP FILE (entire concert)
1. Intro [mp3]
2. Red Light [mp3]
3. Heart in a Cage [mp3]
4. On the Other Side [mp3]
5. Hawaii [mp3]
6. Killing Lies [mp3]
7. Electricityscape [mp3]
8. Juicebox [mp3]
9. Evening Sun [mp3]
10. 15 Minutes [mp3]
11. You Only Live Once [mp3]
12. Vision of Division [mp3]
13. Last Nite [mp3]
14. Reptilia [mp3]
I have no idea why, but Jules has a tendency to expose the Japanese fans to the new tunes first. I'm just glad I got a hold of this bootleg though, it's freaking amazing.
I especially love how Electricityscape sounds.
"this next one, it might be a single maybe, it's called 'Juicebox' ". haha, oh Julian I love you.
"Evening Sun", I had never heard live before, except for that lovely MTV Special. "they go fast like a sun that's been shot" is one of my favourite lyrics ever. it'll look lovely on my body someday, maybe coming out of a gun.
the weakest of the bunch is probably YOLO, but only because Jules later perfected it so much that this early performance is less spectacular by comparison. don't get me wrong, it still sounds amazing, but YOU DON'T NEED REASSURANCE at this point, we all understand the genius that is this band.
andddd that's enough words for today, get listening!
Holy smokes! "On The Other Side" live?!?! This rocks!!
ohh, that's another one I never heard live! a lot of people dislike that song but I love it. a perfect prelude to Vision of Division. it's so mellow and awesome, and VoD is so tensetensetense. and then Ask Me Anything, is just the perfect followup. the aural balance on First Impressions is awe inspiring.
How close was Hawaii to making the album?
^ That's a good question
Thanks for the bootleg, woman!!!!!
I still really wish Julian kept the old lyrics for You Only Live Once
Ive got a mp3 of the usual sound of YOLO but with the lyrics from Ill Try Anything Once. Its, its beautiful, definitely my favorite Strokes track.
ooh, where did you get it?
whats the intro song it sounds really cool
I'll post the track Connor is referring to in today's Strokes post.
I have no idea what the intro song is.
I never saw Hawaii as a song that could fit in with First Impressions. it seemed to me like a song Julian wrote for fun, kinda carefree like "Clear Skies" (but Fab wrote that one). now that I think about it, it would maybe have fit in at the very end, between Evening Sun and Red Light? plus, he did those three songs on that MTV special...
hm. we should ask Jules.
We should. Let me just call him.
Haven't heard this...you rule.
I personally dont think it would go well in First Impressions, i quite like it just being not-so-serious b-side :)
haha whatever, Katzen, you're being silly, you know Jules doesn't have a cell phone! that RS cover article is so good. I love how quirky he comes off in it, and how frustrated the reporter is, having to call Albert to get a hold of Julian.
I don't know about you, but I plan to totally find him after his solo show and let him know (subtly) that he is the greatest man alive.
And then RAPE HIM
excuse me sir, I have never been accused of being sexually aggressive in my life! especially not towards musicians!
hahahhahaha. I couldn't even keep a straight face typing that.
I don't think quirky is the right word for how he came off in that article.
I'd describe it more as insane with examples being the Pringles thing, trying to make out with Neil Strauss, only owning 2 CDs and pretty much everything in there.
That was an awesome article though, even though Julian probably hated it.
I would never use the word "insane" to describe Julian, except if it were followed by "ly awesome"
he was probably fucked up the entire time. good ol' Jules.
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