For the first time in ages, the Strokes are back in New York, hard at work on album number four in their midtown studio. "We have three songs," Julian Casablancas tells the S.S., three weeks into the sessions. "I would say it's going great. We have a lot of work to do, though."
It's been more than three years since First Impressions of Earth, and what's helping the process is good vibes and honesty. "It feels like we're new," says Casablancas. "We didn't used to be honest — there would always be minifeuds over stupid shit. Now, if Nick [Valensi] and Fab [Moretti] or anyone are saying they like it fast or slow, we'll talk about it, as opposed to saying, 'Well, I never liked you sister.'"
Casablancas says that they've resisted jamming on old tunes; instead they're forging ahead. "Some of the new stuff has a Seventies vibe, like Thin Lizzy or Elvis Costello," he says. "But then some of it is bizarre music from the future that we're trying to tone down to sound catchy. So we're trapped between the future and the Seventies."
OH MY OH MY OH MY I AM SO EXCITED! everyone who knows me knows that I am a HUGE Elvis Costello fiend. and you know what album sounded like the 70's? IS THIS FUCKING IT. I am so fucking giddy right now, it isn't even funny
Haha, calm down before you gush all over your vinyl.
Murphey, the only time I won't start freaking out over good Strokes news like this is when I'm dead. even then, I'd probably start jumping up and down in my grave
I just wish they'd crack the whip already. I'm dying for a new album.
three songs done already!
they are the most brilliant and efficient band around. I don't mean efficient like Jack White, because yeah they just had a 2 1/2 year hiatus, but when they start writing songs, they just get their shit done.
I have a feeling they will release something this year, even if it's just a single like Juicebox at the end of 2005, but hopefully a full album before the year is through.
Yeah, and Julian's had a couple years to get the new melodies and shit done, so the new album should be done soon enough.
I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!
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