perhaps this is in jest? I have no idea, I don't have access to NME because import subscriptions are HELLA expensive. I couldn't even manage to track down that Strokes cover they did a few months back, I went to a dozen bookstores and magazine shops. I thought Fog City News would stock it, they told me they stopped stocking NME because it wasn't selling enough. Damn SF people, not reading British music criticism...
Kings of Leon should look up Clutch if they want to learn about modern blues rock.
maybe I should look up Clutch. any song/album recommendations?
dude, I think this was a joke. I remember, the last thing they said about their upcoming album was that it was going to be grungy, more like Youth and Young Manhood than Only By The Night. this, of course, made me giddy
They were only half joking. Matthew & Caleb have been staying up all night due to jetlag on their Australian tour, teaching each other slide guitar. They've been playing a new work-in-progress song during their shows over there and it's definitely got a bluesy sound. Check it out on my site here: http://bornagirl76.multiply.com/
Although that Strokes cover was good, I have to tell you that NME is nothing special. More than anything it winds me up, they're not the pinnacle of music journalism, sometimes are luckily ahead of trends but their constant oasis worship and attempts to pass off the 'next big thing' as their own discovery just fall flat in my opinion. I buy it every now and again but the blogosphere gives me more important and better music than an issue of that magazine would give me every week.
Jay, nice site! and thanks a lot for the info, it's much appreciated, man
Nathan, I completely agree. I like NME because they do pick up on some great things and come on, we owe Arctic Monkeys to them. they do worship Oasis, which stops being amusing after a while, but I still like Oasis. I guess NME isn't bad when you can pick what to read off of the site rather than leaf through each sheet. I really like SPIN, I feel like it's a solid magazine. I love most of the stuff in each issue, but I don't like their website too much.
I feel like the blogosphere is slowly slipping. it's almost like everyone only talks about the same things. I try to read blogs that showcase artists that nobody's talked about, even if they don't strike my fancy. the blogosphere does to Animal Collective what NME does to Oasis.
to my knowledge, I own all the Strokes NME covers except for the most recent one. I'll probably just buy it off ebay eventually, like the rest of the ones I have
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