seriously, now.
all I ever do is work, read, translate, write, transcribe and listen to music. (well, ok, so I do sleep occasionally, run daily and eat/breathe/drink water. but that's about it.)
the only places I ever frequent are record shops and music venues; 95% of the time, I'm alone.
I used to only go to concerts after finding someone to drag along; then I started buying tickets in twos, and finding someone to bring along with me sometime before the show, but that soon started taking a toll on my budget, not to mention sometimes I couldn't find people who wanted to accompany me to see super obscure indie bands. I mean, I'd always manage to bring a friend along, but they usually wouldn't enjoy it as much as I would. and that is just unacceptable in my book: the inability to appreciate good music.
so, as not to start forsaking my friends, I started going to shows alone. and I'd have so much fun doing it. I still do. it's nice, not having someone tugging at your shirt like a little kid, wanting to leave right after the show. hey, I like to chill after a good show, talk to the bands, whatever. I take my good ol' time and don't mind getting back home in the wee hours of morn.
anyway, the crazy thing is,
I'm so happy.
I've stopped needing superficial human interaction. it's quite nice.
I was quite solitary as a kid. a social butterfly throughout middle and high school, and my first 3 1/2 years of college.
now, I don't mind being at parties or with friends or whatever, but the lack thereof doesn't bother me in the least.
anyhow, what brought this about was, I made my decision,
I'm going to the Margot and the Nuclear So and So's show on my graduation's night.
music euphoria > imminent hangover following celebrating-with-English-majors
no question.
watch and you might understand:
you can find tour dates HERE, but that list isn't exhaustive: it doesn't, for example, include the SF date on May 16th. I came across it on GAMH's website.
I listened to Animal! over and over this winter, and it never seemed to satisfy me even though the music was beautiful and the lyrics, astounding
what I've been missing is their live sound.
less than two months separate me from that.
Margot and the Nuclear So and So's - As Tall As Cliffs [mp3]
from Animal!, the band approved, vinyl release
Margot and the Nuclear So and So's - The Shivers (I Got 'Em) [mp3]
from Not Animal, the label approved one
some great guitar work here
I'm still in High School, so I can't look back with quite so much wisdom, but I just don't go if I don't have a friend to go with. It's a shame because I've missed out on some cool bands, but I just haven't been ready to jump in.
I'm still trying to get someone to come to The Virgins... my normal gig buddy is away..
Just offhand, it seems what you're describing is the reality if you want to see a lot of shows. The bottom line is that most people aren't too enthused to see multiple shows a week, and you can only go so long forcing people to tire themselves against their will.
Your description is apt, and it seems like it's the same for a lot of people. At the end of the day, going on your own is basically the only option. And, as you say, not necessarily a bad one!
That being said: regarding the graduation night thing. You really should go to graduation night - that shit only happens once. Just sayin'.
Robin, take your mum if you have to, you CANNOT miss The Virgins. seriously, it doesn't matter who you take because they're so fantatsic live, anyone and everyonce can enjoy them
hippiesaredead, I realized that I'll be home by midnight (probably before) on the night of the show, and parties only get started around 11PM anyways. I'll have plenty of time to chill with my fellow grads.
Once I get a car, I'm definitely going to start going to shows on my own. Sometimes I trade off with my sister and go to see a band she likes so she could go with me to one of mine, but I still miss out on some great shows.
I agree with Robin, sometimes it's hard to make the decision of going by yourself.
But I know exactly how you feel Hanan. My first year of college at UCR, I didn't really meet anyone with my music taste. There was this great record store 5 minutes away, and I spent 90% of my free time going there on my own.
Doing things by yourself can be really great sometimes.
thankfully, we have a train called BART that goes from Berkeley straight to SF (there are like 4 stops, one of em, Civic Center, is downtown where most of the SF venues are...one of my fav venues, though,Bottom of the Hill, is a 5 minute bus ride away from the 16th st/mission stop)
it only costs 7 bucks round trip. if I had to take a cab each time I went to a show I would be even broker than now. significantly so. I'd go to less shows and be depressed.
thank goodness for the BART.
oh, and the 800 late night bus that runs after 1AM when I run late. it goes straight to Berk and it's free for me, cause my student ID gives me free AC Transit bus rides.
I love public transport.
Hello!!! musicinducedeuphoria.blogspot.com is one of the most excellent informational websites of its kind. I take advantage of reading it every day. I will be back.
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