Blink 182 - Dammit [mp3]
I dunno about you, but for me, being a kid in America in the nineties was basically the greatest. we had Ren and Stimpy, early computers and, most importantly, BLINK 182.
do you guys remember the video for "The Rock Show"?
I love how universal Blink 182's music is. it doesn't matter who I'm hanging out with, if I start playing Dude Ranch or Enema of the State, EVERYONE starts grinning and dancing. glorious.
I have always had a huge thing for tattoos, and even as a kid, I was totally intrigued by guys like Travis. you can't get more badass than a rock star clad in body art.
Blink 182 made it ok to be awkward. I love that.
again, with these weekly posts, I aspire to take you back to a different time and place of your lifetime. you might have been in college, or in elementary school like me. either way, I hope you're flooded with memories =)
I wonder what it would have been like to grow up in the UK with Brit-pop...
ahhhh, I had such a crush on Tom for a while there with his lip ring... soo hot (of course, that was later when I discovered their videos on itunes circa 2003/2004 (9th grade- I'm the same age as you I think) before itunes pulled all their full-length hi-def music videos and put up crappy 30 second previews instead).
sorry for the late comments btw, I'm catching up on missed posts.
"sorry for the late comments"?!
don't be ridiculous. you are in no way obliged to comment, even though I do greatly appreciate feedback. I get comments on really old posts sometimes and it's cool.
I've always wanted to kiss someone with a lip ring. I've made out with someone with a tongue ring before...it was wicked! piercings and tattoos just kill me.
(let it be noted that in Shakespeare's time, "to die" was a euphemism for orgasm)
me too... gahh what is it about tattoos and piercings? the thing is I am the complete opposite of that image- no tattoos and no interest in getting any, only one piercing in each earlobe and no interest in getting more anywhere. but a hot guy with interesting tattoos or piercings is killer.
i saw a [young] businessman in boston one time getting off the T, with a button-down shirt, tie, pressed pants, jacket over his arm, briefcase, and lip ring (on the side). the combination was awesome.
also, i didn't want to overwhelm you with new comment alerts (and I'm lazy, and need to go to bed) so re gogol bordello- I like the song "Start Wearing Purple." I haven't listened to any other ones as much because I couldn't get into them either, but that one is more accessible. it's on Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike. actually, I just looked it up, and it's their #1 downloaded song. figures.
haha my inbox is flooded anyhow but thanks for teh consideration
that GB song was the only one on my itunes before I picked up Gypsy Punks from the library, it's a cool tune, I'll admit.
that does sound pretty hot. it's nice to be reassured that not all "professional" people are squares. as a school teacher, I'm technically considered a "professional", and I still wear my band shirts every day, even though sometimes, they're underneath a button down one.
I want to be tattooed all over. piercings, I wanted a nose ring but two of my really good friends got them and I don't want one anymore. I'm thinking eyebrow now
did your friends get nostril or septum rings? you could think about a septum piercing if they both got nostrils... or i know someone who had three small nose rings in a row (on one side) which looked really cool. for eyebrows I definitely like barbells over hoops.
then there are always the little hoops in ears... there are dozens of random places that an ear can be pierced. people at my school have so many weird piercings and tattoos... but it is a women's college so sadly they are all female.
do you have any tattoos yet, or is that on hold till you're out of your parent's place for good? from what you said about their views on rock music it seems to me they wouldn't be so thrilled about you getting pierced and tatted up.
and you're officially teaching right now? what grade(s)? old enough to be impressed by your band shirts?
you're totally right. they both got nostril. septum would look pretty wicked.
I agree, barbells all the way.
you go to a women's college?! which one? I thought about it for a while, I got some pretty sweet offers from Mount Holyoke, Mills, and Scripps.
I have one tattoo, an eighth note on my left upper back. my next ones are gonna be arms (when I move out probably, you were right, my parents are not fans of anything fun, especially tattoos)
I want to get lyrics: "about as subtle as an earthquake, I know", and "in the sun sun having fun it's in my blood", an infinity sign on a wrist, the Is This It (American) artwork on an upper arm (or Is This It spelled out on my fingers), an owl on a forearm or one of my calves. one day, I want a sleeve on one of my arms.
this will all be over the course of many years, as tattoos are expensive and I consider them a huge deal.
I was looking for pictures of my tattoo and I couldn't find one, but I did come across pictures of when I dyed my hair blue and it turned black instead.
I forgot how good that looked. I should dye my hair again, and cut it that length.
oh yes, I'm officially teaching, but kindergarten, so they don't know what "Ramones" is. I did bring in my record player and played them "Someday", though =)
Aww, you look so young there! in the first pic your hair definitely looks black but you can see the blue in the second one... I love dyed dark hair because if you don't bleach it first you can get that more subdued color that shows when light hits it.
and aww, kindergarteners!! I wish my elementary school teachers had played us cool music!
I go to Smith... right next to Moho (I have a bunch of friends there from high school). I love some things about it and hate others... I don't really miss guys that much until I get away from school and remember that they actually exist in the real world (when I was abroad this summer I was practically drooling every time a guy passed me in the street, hahah).
there are a lot of extreme hipsters here which can get pretty freaking annoying, but also a lot of people who listen to good music and we're in Northampton which has at least five venues that I can think of (that's a LOT for a place this size!). unfortunately I've missed out on some great shows (Passion Pit last year, it was only like $10 too... I'm still sad) but I've got a list of shows I want to go to this fall. the good thing is that most of the venues are tiny and the tickets are way cheap so I can afford to go on a whim even if I don't know the band very well, or at all. I'm sure you have a billion times more shows in the San Fran Bay area but considering I'm from NH this is heaven.
jeeze you have a lot of tattoos planned! do the rents know about the current one? Is This It knuckle tats would be... so not gangster! hahaha but it does just happen to be 8 characters and is cooler than the shit some people get on their knuckles. what is the owl for? ooh, a sleeve of your favorite record sleeves would be cool... although your parents might disown you for the double-whammy of huge visible tattoo + bad music :)
oooooh I just found this random comment about the Strokes:
"I don't get this band. Reminds me of the same hype as the crash and burn "At The Drive In". Just some retro sounding, boring, slow music. Nothing new, in fact NoFx has contributed more to the music world. This band will not be heard from again. Another contract album and you can say goodbye, if you're still around."
I'm not even a Strokes fan particularly (sorry!! I like them but not exceptionally) but that is hilarious because of the way things actually played out.
also, I just watched that U.S. Royalty video again, and I too like Rats wayyy better than Every Summer. also the lumberjack singer dude is wicked hot. perhaps I am becoming man-crazed from being at Smith for so long...
Jesus I really need to work on not writing novels every time I want to say something! I do the same thing in emails :/
haha no worries, that was all super entertaining! also, I love novels ; )
oh man I know how great it is to be able to go to 10/15 dollar shows. I used to go to SO MANY shows at small venues in SF...a lot of times, I would BARELY know the band in question, but I'd come out a fan (or a fan of the opening band!)in any case, it's more worthwhile (time + money-wise) than a movie! I'm glad you're able to do that too =)
yeah, I was 15 I think. I'm twenty now. a lot changes in five years. I don't think I could be that pale if I tried...I'm always outside now.
hipsters are everywhere, even Canada! don't let them bother you.
where did you go this summer?
as a self proclaimed non-Strokes fan, I think you owe it to yourself to listen to Is This It with headphones on 8 consecutive times.
owls are my favourite animals. they're wise, they can see in the dark, and best of all, they can FLY. also, cartoon owls usually have glasses, comme moi =)
haha he was definitely smokin'.
I don't really like Passion Pit. I tried, but couldn't get into Manners or their EP
Passion Pit- I only have three of their songs, I love Moth's Wings and Little Secrets and not so much the third that I own... I need to give the rest of the album a listen before I buy it but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
I saw Ra Ra Riot last December for $10 at a place so small that I was at the back of the floor and was still no more than 15 feet from the stage... most of the band hung out in the venue after the show just talking to fans (everyone but the lead singer actually...)
The Antlers are playing the same place on Saturday- another $10 show... I need to figure out if I'm going to that one.
Haha I promise at some point before the year's end to listen to Is This It 8 times consecutively with headphones. I think I kind of just missed that album because the first Strokes I remember listening to was from Room On Fire, which seems to have a much different sound than what I remember Is This It having.
I was in Denmark this summer, mostly in Copenhagen but also a bit of travel to other parts of the country, as well as six days total in Sweden and Finland (and a layover in Iceland on the way across the Atlantic and back... and that's the only country I got a stamp from because the Scandinavian Union is super loose about travel within their countries. It was a passport I got when I was 15 (I got a lot of comments about that picture this summer... 15 to 20 really is a huge difference) and it expires this year... and I have two stamps from Iceland in it. Sad, sad. I got it in the first place because I was in Arizona and we walked into Mexico but the US Embassy didn't even look at my passport on my way back into the States.
Oh, the hipsters don't BOTHER me, it just seems to me to be such a superficial lifestyle- the super pricey but cheaply made and cheap-looking clothing at American Apparel (gag. Also, definitely not all American-made) or Urban Outfitters (gag again). If you're shopping there, whatever, it's your choice, just man up about it and admit that you didn't actually get that pair of mom jeans for $2 at a thrift store (more like $60 at AA...). Just this spring an Urbans got put in on Main St in Noho which is the stupidest thing ever.
Owls also are pretty cool in that they eat their prey whole and then regurgitate the parts they can't digest (fur, bones). This spring I found an owl pellet in the woods so I have rodent jawbones somewhere in my bedroom at home now. I want to make earrings with them.
Owls can also turn their heads around almost 360° but obviously not 100% because that would snap their necks and also be really creepy and exorcistish.
Also, have you heard of Miike Snow? I am currently OBSESSED with two of their songs, Animal and Sylvia. Look them up, they are super amazing and catchy (in a good way). It's two Swedish music producers (they've done stuff for a bunch of huge international pop stars) and this guy named Andrew Wyatt. SO GOOD.
I SO agree about the cheap looking clothing that is expensive thing. that shit just kills me. especially because I love finding great things in thrift stores for loose change.
haha nice travel catalogue.
I love RRR. they made my best of 2008 list last year. then again, so did The Killers, but I was still deluded into thinking that they were good back then. I think I stand by the rest of my list though.
just looked up Silvia, because my subconscious prefers anything remotely related to The Bell Jar, and am really digging it!
is there a full album?
dude thanks for the owl trivia. I'm totally gonna spew that awesome anytime anyone sees my future tattoo. yes, I eat my prey whole. haha that's wicked.
Hey gahh long couple weeks haha. Yeah Miike Snow have a self-titled album (edit: apparently that message was written so long ago that I hadn't bought it yet? It got me through the last few weeks of classes hahah) and a lot of remixes have been made (some are on rcrdlbl.com/) I like the Black & Blue Tiga remix a lot. They played some west coast shows last week, but I think the San Francisco show was sold out (as was the one in LA). They played in Seattle for $12 HOLY SHIT and I have family right outside of the city but I only found out about the concert a few hours before it started and my cousin didn't get my urgent message to GO TO THE CONCERT!!! in time :( They must have played some east coast shows on earlier dates but I didn't hear about it. Boo.
Juust kidding, I like the Savage Skulls remix better. The Tiga remix is the one I don't like as much.
Also, heads up, it's pronounced like "Mike" not meek-ah or meek-eh... it's kind of stupid because no one knows how to pronounce their name, but last week I finally heard them clarify the pronunciation in an interview. It's after a Japanese director whose name is pronounced Meek-eh but also for a friend named Mike I think... It's like MGMT which I found out 5 seconds ago is pronounced as letters and not the full word (when did that happen?? Did it used to be the letters but you said the whole word? That's what I always thought...)
Also, Sylvia Plath went to Smith- they have some original drafts and notebooks and stuff in the archives and rare book room
I figured it was pronounced "Mike"
for MGMT, I always called them that, but I read somewhere that they used to be called "management"
I adore Sylvia Plath. I hate most poetry but love hers. I love everything about her. when I was reading The Bell Jar I thought I was reading my own thoughts and when I told somebody this, they were VERY concerned. I'm a tad demented.
I'll have to pick up the Miike Snow album then! did you just finish a round of midterms? it's nice to have you back =)
haha nope no midterms, i think I actually only have one pseudo-midterm this year (one of three exams in the class so... not so "mid") I hate most poetry too, because it ALL tends to read as totally cliche and cheesy to me, although I have never actually read any Sylvia Plath. But I do know that she had a pretty depressing life at times (and death...). She also taught at Smith for a while, not too long I'm assuming because she died so young.
A couple poems I do like are Zbigniew Herbert's "Pebble" (in particular, the first three stanzas- plus, his name is amazing!) and this NYU undergrad whose blog I just found through an acquaintance's: http://bestfriendforlifelong.blogspot.com/
He doesn't have too many but they are very short (like 15 words or less), quirky/dark/humorous and I like the line breaks. Coincidentally there are a few that reference a girl named Sylvia... weird haha. I just noticed that when I went to get the link.
I agree about most poetry being cliche.
I looked up Pebble, it kind of reminded me of William Carlos Williams (specifically a poem called "This Is Just to Say"), whose poetry I quite like. yeah, his name is pretty kick ass.
I bookmarked the blog for a rainy day, so thanks
you should give Sylvia a go. most geniuses were depressed and/or committed suicide. here's a poem I chose at random, but it's really good (of course)
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