if you haven't seen them yet, here are his East Coast dates
JAN 08 – BOSTON, MA Paradise Rock Club
JAN 12 – WASHINGTON DC 9:30 Club
JAN 14 – NEW YORK, NY Terminal 5
JAN 15 – NEW YORK, NY Terminal 5
he will also perform on Jimmy Fallon tomorrow night
Julesy is a busy boy! Doesn't leave much room for baby! Haha.
Those lights kill me everytime.
he's playing the christmas song, the site hints at it anyway
I hope he wears a christmas sweater! I have this weird fascination over guys wearing christmas sweaters :)
And what a christams treat it would be if he followed these dates with some central ones!
Thanks for the heads up! Just picked up some tickets for Philly after reading that.
how terrible is it that I'm worried Juliet will have the baby and they'll have to cancel the show (DC for me). She's gotta be due soon, yeah? I dunno, anyway. Great photo!
Mary Shea, I would go on a killing rampage for your sake. your show is at a small venue, isn't it? I looked it up. that'll be so good, it'll be very intimate and only very loyal fans will be there. we had some douchebags at the SF concert so yeah. I'm weary of that type of thing.
I've never been to 9:30 club, but yes, from what I've heard it's small. There aren't many fans in this area. So yes, it should be intimate. Gah, so excited!
Sorry, didn't mean to gloat, it's just the only other shows I've been to: Tyler Hilton (good), Ryan Cabrera (eh, but for $10), and Fall Out Boy (blek! I can explain: I was dragged along by friends in 9th grade. that'll sure teach me to say no to peer pressure)...So please understand haha.
gloat away! are you still in high school? cause if you're in college and not going to many shows, um well that is just wrong.
yeah, I'm a senior in high school. and not going to many shows is a result of 1) not having money 2) not having many good venues around and 3) having no one to go to shows with.
...I'm hoping that will all change once I'm in college.
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