this picture is from the newest issue of SPIN. I really like it because it reminded me of this conversation I had with a classmate of mine, like yeaaaaaaaaaars ago. I had just gotten into The Strokes (like, maybe 2 months in), was citing them as my favourite band and listening to them endlessly (haha not much has changed)...anyhow, that was before I had really looked into the band, and I had only seen a few pictures of them. the only one I had seen of Jules was his SPIN cover
anyhow, so this girl asks me if I thought Julian was hot and I was all "um, no I don't think of him that way, to me he kind of looks like a kid. and you know, I'm not a pedophile. Fabrizio on the other hand...damn, I'd tap that shit"
haha anyhow the innocence of the above picture brought back memories of when I was blissfully (?) ignorant of Julian's sex appeal.
"I'd tap that shit"
Haha, brilliant.
Yeah you really took the best example of his sex appeal! Damn, I love him.
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