Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Strokes Post #303

ok so first things first: the beginning of his singing reminded me very strongly of LOU REED (a vibe which I have not gotten at all in the whole solo thing, he used to emanate it all of the time in The Strokes), and I swear that just reawakened my passion for The Strokes all over again.

the rest of the video is just MAGIC. it's like, the ultimate Christmas miracle. and this is coming from a secular blasphemer who was raised in an infidel's faith (who, regardless, probably loves Christmas more than you and your grandma combined)

now if we could just get Julian and the boys to dress up in reindeer sweaters, my life will be complete.


ChuckCharles! said...


Denise Martinez Alanís said...

He did REAAAAAALLY good!!!! I loved this performance!

Shelby said...

He performed "Out Of the Blue" as well! :D


Katie said...

Is there a download anywhere? Anywhere?!