so technically I've already posted them as band of the week but I've been listening to Alligator all day (one of my favourite albums ever) and I just can't help myself. I'm sure this post will inspire some new listeners, so it's not a waste at all. plus the album landed on a bunch of best-of-decade lists so I feel quite vindicated about this post.
The National's albums are like Van Gogh's paintings. At first you are enraptured with the bold beauty and the sweeping colour (of sound), but then you realize that this beauty is filled with anguish and heartache when you become more intimately acquainted with them.
In the end, you're left hopelessly in love, inspired, and depressed. Crying tears of empowerment.
The National - Lit Up [mp3]
buy Alligator on AMAZON. really, do.
This is my friend's favorite band. The same friend I convinced to give Phrazes a shot and who is now going to the show with me. He's said he'll burn me a Nationals&Wilco mix, two bands I've been too lazy and content to familiarize myself with.
I love The National. not so much Wilco. even Being There, which everyone claims is a masterpiece, I only kind of like.
Looove The National. Summerteeth is the only Wilco album I love. Also appreciate Yankee Hotel.
This is ah-mazing I actually drooled myself.
I feel like Dr Frankenstein.
Nice article as for me. I'd like to read a bit more about this topic. The only thing I would like to see here is some pics of some gizmos.
Alex Karver
Cell jammer
great band
you always have an awesome blog
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