Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Strokes Post #317



Shelby said...

I can't stop staring at Julian's broken shoe. haha.

Amanda said...

Albert is soooo funny. "Holy god!"

Edith said...

I love:

Jules- "oh man, I'm fucking sexy!"

Albert- "look at that beast over there, wow!"

damn funny interview overall!

Anonymous said...

I have never adored Albert more than I have recently. You know, you really don't realize until you see other bands how fucking good-looking those five boys are. Really, all of them, it's amazing.

I like how the interviewer believed they were 35 and 32.

Something about the way Albert is dressed in this video...I dunno what it is. I mean I love his suits, but it's just nice seeing him in something else I suppose.

Anonymous said...

I love this interview!!! Jules is soooooooo charming, I can't help but fall in love with him.

Hanan said...

"you really don't realize until you see other bands how fucking good-looking those five boys are. Really, all of them, it's amazing."

Albert was my favourite thing about this interview as well. well, him, and Julian calling himself sexy.

haha yes and this was waaaaaaay back when they were like, 21. which is the age I'm about to be. I wish I were this cool.

Anonymous said...

"you really don't realize until you see other bands how fucking good-looking those five boys are. Really, all of them, it's amazing."

James said...

hahaha channel v was awesome back in the day!! those commenting above me should all buy you am i's #4 Record