Adam Green has a new album out this week?
and it sounds like Loaded era VU?
Adam Green - What Makes Him Act So Bad [mp3]
Minor Love drops on the 8th.
I've always thought that Adam resembles Julian, but in an alternate universe, less obviously attractive sort of way.
dont lie. you only like him because of this http://www.totallyjewish.com/entertainment/features_and_reviews/?content_id=3308
Ooohh I love the song!
Only one is thinner, and the other has nicer teeth.
I noticed they looked alike the first time I saw In Transit, the part where they are all taking pictures with the mustache, and it was Adam instead of Julian...
oh good times!
He's like a less loved little brother of Jules.
I love that part of In Transit
"I like the soul patch, man"
"Adam, show us that pretty smile of yours"
I got really, really confused in that part of In Transit haha - I did actually keep thinking it was Jules.
Also, his new stuff sounds like the VU? The last of his solo stuff I heard seemed really country? And, well, The Moldy Peaches were something else... Seems young Adam is quite the chameleon.
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