Beck - Sleeping Bag [mp3]
1994 was a good year. I started school, Beck released this album. which is more significant to me today? my own literacy, or the perfection of One Foot in the Grave? give me a moment to deliberate...
in any case, it'd be a beautiful thing if I brought the album in for my own Kindergartners, what a lovely circle that would be indeed. letting them hear something which was released when I was their age, but had no way of accessing. they're so lucky to have me.
Love this album. Did you get the reissue? If not, I'll send you the tracks. This album introduced me to Calvin Johnson. The guy who sings back up with an extremely low voice. Check out his band "The Halo Benders."
nope, I was extremely pleased because I found an original issue of the album the VERY WEEK that the reissue came out. I love original issues.
dude, send em along =)
you're a good 90's music companion.
Good find. The original is out of print.
I figured that much because they were reissuing it
I love Amoeba.
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