the band has recorded a cool acoustic session on KDHX (a St. Louis radio station) and you can snag the mp3s at Fuck yeah! Go team! or you can download them below.
1. Heartbreaker [mp3]
2. Lovelife [mp3]
doesn't this remind you forcibly of Bob Dylan? especially the end?
3. Broken Dreams Club [mp3]
4. How Can I Say I Love You [mp3]
additionally, they'll be playing Bottom of the Hill the day after their Cafe Du Nord show on the 20th. I'll be going to both shows, but I'm more excited about the one at BOTH, as it is my favourite venue ever. Nick even mentions it in one of The Strokes' interviews. every time I look at the calendars on the wall and see "The Strokes" in August of 2001, I cringe in envy.
Awesome, thanks. I like Girls now.
Thanks for posting about them, I trusted you and bought their album and fell in love with them from the first song. I wish they come to LA so I can see them live anyway thanks!!
yes, Katie, everything seems so much funnier when you're high. I know, dear.
you're very welcome Nadia, and can I say that I'm super flattered that you trusted my music tastes. seriously, I can think of no higher compliment. *tear*
How can I not trust your music taste, you have never pointed me in a wrong direction :) I just wish that my friends liked the strokes as much as we do, i have been trying to open their eyes since 01 when i fell in love with them but no luck :( I love my friends but their music tastes are just horrible.
Nadia, this is how cults are formed. hahahahhaa.
The song Lovelife is reminding me more of Lou Reed than Bob Dylan. And it's fantastic.
hahah this in insane. Chuck, I totally wrote that wrong. I meant to write Lou Reed, it sounds NOTHING like Bob Dylan. I must have had Bobby on the brain, or was listening to him or something when I typed that. the mind works in such strange ways, I sometimes scare myself at what I can write/type when I'm not fully focused. the subconscious is an insane place.
I'm not gonna bother changing the post, this is actually quite amusing.
Hah, glad we're on the same page anyway! I keep loving this song more and more.
And can I just say how obsessed I am with the song "Laura"? Hot damn.
it's especially funny because I don't listen to Bob Dylan too much (just the normal amount, probably around once a week) whereas Lou sings to me in various forms (transformer; the vu albums; in other voices in cover songs) every day. I am obsessed with Lou Reed and I managed to write another man's name in his stead. tells you how faithful I am. hahahah
Laura is brilliant. as is the whole album.
I am so very excited to hear them live. I'll take a video of Laura for you, k?
You are my new favorite person(minus totally snubbing Lou :D)
i just saw girls at bowery in nyc. they were ahmazing. wish i could see them at BOTH in my hometown. it would be epic. please write a review of both the SAMH and BOTH gigs. i expect great things for a hometown crowd.
the BOTH show sold out and my heart froze when my computer betrayed me. I will be posting a review, pictures, and probably video of the first show though
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