this post is dedicated to Mr. Shakespeare, and his fabulous play Much Ado About Nothing, which I watched tonight. at this point, I am more or less acquainted with 80% of his plays, but I've still gotta tackle those histories.
I was surprised at how many songs turned up in my itunes search for "nothing" (tells you a lot about the optimism of musicians, eh?), so I limited the ones I posted to contemporary songs that I really liked.
The Wallflowers - God Says Nothing Back [mp3]
Maroon 5 - Nothing Lasts Forever [mp3]
Jimmy Eat World - Nothing Wrong [mp3]
Futures is so incredibly delectable.
Harlem Shakes - Nothing But Change Part II [mp3]
I really like this track, it's the opener to the now defunct band's debut LP, Technicolor Health.
Elliott Smith - Ballad of Big Nothing [mp3]
Audrye Sessions - Nothing Pure Can Stay [mp3]
Winston Audio - Nothing To Hide [mp3]
strange coincidence: when I went to see Winston Audio, they were opening for Audrye Sessions, a local band with a "nothing" song in their discography which I've posted above.
jimmy eat world always makes me think of middle school and being a tragically misunderstood and mistreated outcast. or at least thats how i remember it. probably how most people remember it.
What the Harlem Shakes broke up? I listed to their album just the other day. The were pretty good what happened?
Jimmy Eat World was what I listened to when I wrote in my journal as a teenager, so I can agree with that, Allie.
yeah, kiko. on Muslim Christmas (aka Eid, or the day after Ramadan is over) I remember, because I listened to their album a couple of times in memorial that day when I was with my family. I think they had too many front-man types and each went their separate ways.
oh, and it was at the end of September, in case you don't follow the lunar calendar haha
I'm looking for the song Nothing to Hide from Winston Audio and I saw you had put a download on your blog, but it has been disabled... So I was wondering if you could maybe mail it to me? I just discovered this band 10 minutes ago and I'm really amazed! They blew me off my socks! So I'd be enormously grateful if you could mail me that song! ;)
Oh, forgot to meantion, mail me on my blog: http://fioreitaliano.blogspot.com/
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