there's a short but nice interview with Jules from GQ, nothing new or anything, although he does talk about drinking a bit.
I like the photo, though, it's my new desktop background
I've been listening to "River of Brakelights" on repeat, and I'm getting a tad addicted to it
I'm kind of ticked off because I just NOW realized that the tattoo artist who did my second baby on Sunday fucked up and I now have a grammatically incorrect tattoo. it's supposed to be ";" then "," then "."
that's how it was in Shelley's original manuscript, and that's how the obsessive English major/grammar freak in me wanted it. semi colons are my favourite punctuation marks, and now my tattoo makes me look like a daft person who can't use them properly. oh well. I guess that's what I get for trusting tattoo shops that reek of cannabis.
I only realized it because I took a photo of the thing for a friend of mine. if I were more vane and spent more time in front of mirrors, maybe it wouldn't have taken me 2 days to figure out. oh well, I still think that it looks badass.
You didn't go with the 12:51 on the wrist?
I'm getting that one (and other visible ones) when I move out.
BIAtch YOU CRAZY!!! haha you only live once. believe me ive seen much worse tattoos than a grammer error. you are fearless. im scared of you right now.
Random question. Do you like being a teacher? You are a teacher, right? If I remember correctly.
It's still awesome. Is there a chance of fixing it, though?
Katzen, I could change it into an extra large comma, but I think the whole thing is quite funny now. I can never be pissed off for a long time and I always end up laughing in the face of everything.
in all honesty, most people won't notice (seriously, most people don't understand semi colons anyways) and it's all quite ironic, seeing as how I looked up the proper, original punctuation (my paperback edition had two commas, but I had the inclination that it was supposed to be a semi colon)
shut up Allie XD
to Mary Shea, yeah, I like it a lot. I always wanted to teach older kids (aka honour's English, 11th or 12th grade) so I could have in depth convos and assign Marx etc etc but I do love teaching kids basic skills like reading and math. they're so affectionate and they love learning, it's refreshing.
I got this first grader I was tutoring today to understand that "one hundred sixty seven" is not written 10067 but 167. you have no idea how hard it is to get kids to grasp concepts, especially the slower ones who have ADD, I swear. "but I want to plaaay outside"
Nice one on the Shelley quote; I don't think she'd mind about the grammar to be honest, seeing as it's emblazoned on your chest and all. And I love semi-colons too, although I think I probably overuse them (and possibly do so incorrectly)...
What's your other tattoo? I love the idea of 12:51 on your wrist haha - every time you'd look to where a watch would normally be there'd be a 12:51 there, and you could find the words you were seeking.
Sorry: I just reread that last bit and it's really awful haha. Er, put it down to lack of sleep?
Hahah Tara that last bit was great. I LOLd.
Tattoo = SO COOL Hanan!! If I was one of the little kids you taught I'd be scared shitless. If they start acting up you can simply put your angry eyes on and bare your chest to them.
That Jules photo is my background too, and not even from copying you. I loved in the interview - 'Oh! They're playing acoustic guitar!'
this blog is so much better than any fan forum I have ever visited. you guys are so much fun.
Tara, blame it on my overexposure to stream of consciousness, but I swear when I read it, it made absolute sense to me. when I went back, of course, I realized what you meant, but I love it when people write how they think.
"this blog is so much better than any fan forum I have ever visited."
To use my wangsta slang: Word.
Um, i realize that everyone's comments are more about tats than this article, so this is a little random, but I just wanted to say that Jules is a vision in pink. I don't think I've seen him rock pink before.
becky i gots a pic of him rocking shoes pinker than the pinkest pink
Are they pink Converse? Maybe I've seen that. I can't remember.
But I really like the pink up by his face because it brings out the...blush?...of his lips. What am I talking about right now? Why do I spend my time thinking about his lips and clothes when maybe I should reflect on...oh, maybe...his music?
I'm shutting up now & I would definitely just go ahead and ignore me.
haha Allie you have pictures of EVERYTHING.
becky you should not be embarrased this is a safe place where pictures are called "spank bank". Besides who gives a shit? its the internet You are never gonna meet us be as nasty as you want bebe. I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW AAAAHHH PHRAZESS!!!!! :) :D
Dude, have the rents seen that??!
And did you choose a specific font? Just last week or so I randomly found a blog post about this project a photographer did on tattoos in specifically chosen fonts/typesets and I really want to check it out now. The book is called "Body Type: Intimate Messages Etched in Flesh" and the artist/author is Ina Saltz. The title's kinda ehhh but the pics I found online looked cool.
This is a very new band so they're so good, even though some people think they're gays I don't matter because they have special songs.
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