thanks to the lovely folks at Sneak Attack Media, Music Induced Euphoria has a copy of the book to give away. if you live in the United States or Canada and want to enter the contest, leave a comment with your name and favourite book or author.
make sure that you enter your email in the comment section, so that I can contact you.
next Wednesday, I'll pick a winner at random and let you know who the lucky person is. bon chance!
you can purchase That Summertime Sound on AMAZON
My favorite book is "Odd Thomas" (right now). I hope I win!
"Frindle" by Andrew Clements! BEST BOOK EVER!
Nick Hornby and Dave Eggers are both great. I could hardly pick a favorite book though.
"Wind, Sand and Stars" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the guy who wrote "The Little Prince". The Little Prince is AMAZING, but Wind, Sand and Stars trumps it. Check it out. You wont regret it.
Donnie Brasco by Joe Pistone
I really like Lolita, dunno about all time fav-though.
Voltaire's "Candide"!
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