Built to Spill - Carry The Zero [mp3]
Jason Mraz - Absolutely Zero [mp3]
Smashing Pumpkins - Zero [mp3]
Elvis Costello - Less Than Zero [mp3]
I am well aware of the lack of a certain 2009 single from a certain art-rock band in this post. just know that it was consciously left out, as I deleted that album ages ago.
Haha, way to school the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I have to say I did the same :)
What didn't you like about it?
if I had to reduce it to one thing, it's gotta be that their producer decided that Nick wasn't gonna play guitar on the record. you can't take one of the best guitarists around and tell him not to play guitar. YYYs to me will always be a guitar driven band and the moment they turned their back on it, I stopped listening to them.
I've never felt that way. Honestly Nick Zinner isn't a guitar god. He's a TECH god. The effects and sounds he can achieve with a guitar is amazing, no doubt all those pedals must cost a million. Don't get me wrong, he's a good guitar player. But he's a great technician. The switch to synthesizers was just a more accessible and wider variety of his sound. Every musician seems to turn to them eventually, it's not a bad thing. I don't think they've turned their back on guitar, they just wanted to play around and that's fine. It's what they do. Maybe you don't like this album, but don't give up hope yet. That's no reason to throw them away completely.
well another thing I didn't tell you was that I was never a huge YYYs fan anyways. I saw them live at a festival a few years ago and they didn't strike me as anything super interesting. the only thing I liked about their albums was Nick's guitar work, I know he isn't a guitar g-d but he's still really good. so if a band that I barely listen to put out an album I hate, I think I'm justified in throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
PS I'm not anti synth or anything, I freaking LOVE Franz Ferdinand's new album,
Haha, I could never take you as anti-synth considering Phrazes.
And yeah, I see what you mean. I just love them though, YYYs and Arctic Monkeys were my first concerts, I actually stayed in the same hotel as Nick. So I've built this weird loyalty towards them.
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